The online repository of Clinical imagery


My nose is blocked

My baby is not feeding well

I keep getting ear infections

It just keeps getting bigger

Sick of discharge

My right eye waters!

A mild, moderate or severe hearing loss

A case of ear disease

I have had an operation on my ear

I have had an operation on my ear

The croaky voice

My nose is blocked and I can't hear very well

My nose is bleeding

My hearing in my left ear is gradually reducing

I can't hear properly in my left ear

I feel a lump when I swallow

Sore throat

Fix my hearing doc

Infected left posterior perforation

Sclerotic dull TM right

Perforation TM

My ear has a foul smelling discharge

Ear now dry

Fall off a ladder

Blocked up ears

Left tympanic membrane

Anterior glottic web

A fluctuant mass in the neck

I’m a singer, but I get husky when I sing...

I have a very sore throat & I can't swallow anything

An unusual case of unilateral bat ear

My tongue is very sore

Painful mouth ulcer

Ulcer in the tongue, again!

Making sense of the post-operative ear

Pectoralis major flap

My baby’s ear looks different

My brother hit me with a lego brick, on the neck!!

Deep space neck infection

Purulent secretions

Assessment for septorhinoplasty

Dangerous things ladders!

My ear's dry now

The left side of my face is swollen

Surf's up!

Bowl-ed Over

Strange post nasal appearance

Conchal bowl reconstruction

Neck Lump

What is that in the post nasal space?

Help Doctor! I canKNOT remove this nasogastric tube!

The interminable bleeder

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